

From: Google+ 小組 [mailto:noreply-475ba29f@plus.google.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:48 PM
To: tony120716@gmail.com
Subject: 你可能認識的 Google+ 使用者

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While waiting for this sunset in Hawaii, I watched two people cliff dive down into the water here. They couldn't get back in and ended up waving and calling to me for help. I called 911 and a lifeguard came out and saved them... So who said waiting for a sunset is a waste of time? I helped save two lives and got a good photo :-)  (Btw, the guy who dove off the cliff had a GoPro in his hand.. He's got his jump and rescue all on his camera.)
+853 - 203 則留言 - 128 人分享 查看或評論這則訊息 »
The circus is officially in town.
Samsung angers judge by sending rejected evidence from Apple trial to the media
The Apple vs. Samsung trial was always destined to be a circus, but Samsung's already causing trouble on the first day of testimony: Judge Lucy Koh is furious that the company sent the press rejected...
+360 - 183 則留言 - 80 人分享 查看或評論這則訊息 »
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